I helped raise my baby half brother, 12 years younger than me, and he’s a teenager now. So wayward my heart breaks for him. Every day I cry out to the Lord for Him and plead the blood of Christ over him. This was so encouraging. Thank you♥️

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Jul 11Liked by Biblical Womanhood

A war-room. Let’s take back our families, our communities and the world. We forget why Jesus came. Reconciliation. To God. We are God’s children, this is not our home, and we are called to pray unceasingly, with authority and the faith that comes with knowing HE CAN. It is His Will, and we have the Powerful Name of Jesus that brings us before Abba, who longs to spend time with us. All praise & glory Yours, Lord!!

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What a powerful lesson in not giving up! Saved as a child, I must have had a praying Mother from Heaven because my own Mom died overnight when I was a month out from 14 and over the next 35 years, I wandered away from God and His Son. It is possible that my Mom, who desperately wanted a daughter after two sons, prayed over this SO hard that her "residue" continued and kept out after me for decades. I could have been lost forever...but I now write on my own Substack, of the price of sin and what I can tell others about the wages of wandering from God's path. Not fun, not productive and certainly not without great sadness. God is merciful and PERSISTENT. I was never a Mom...but Moms and Dads, do NOT stop praying, as people have NO defense against the prayer realm! NONE! Keep going, keep going , keep going. RELENTLESS prayer day by day by day. Don't argue, just pray and cover them with love! Wendy

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Amen! A testament to the power of prayer!

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Well, I read, and printed this post for my wife. We both carry a burden for our children and grandchildren. My wife, Jane, spends time every morning supplicating before the Lord on behalf of our adult children - some who still struggle with the seductions of the world. Both of us are disciples of Hudson Taylor. His insights were used by the Lord to launch our ministry. Thank you for this post!

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Over ten years ago, my twin sons became IV heroin and meth addicts. This was over the span of three years where they were on the street, overdosing and creating chaos in and out of our home. I prayed everyday, multiple times, beseeching the Lord to deliver them from addiction. They became clean and remained clean. They have put their lives back together, and have good careers and are planning on getting engaged. I look at them, and feel pure joy and overwhelming gratitude for the miracle that God has provided.

Prayer has the power to turn the worst situation into an unimaginable blessing!

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My daughter on the street. Addicted to fentanyl. So many prayers. ❤️🙏

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